dc.description.abstract |
Bangladeshtoday is a paradox. It is burdened by the vidous circleof poverty, low
Fel capita inwme, malnutrition, lower resistance to diseases, aggravated
unemployment, population expansion with high birthrate and high mortality
espedally infant mortality. Jn the c<lpitalthese crises are more a('llte. In Dhaka
only 30"0 household and their children can somehow nreet their recreational
demand through the fadlities provided by the various governmental and nOllgOH'mmental
authorities. But major portion of the dtl' is b<>ingdeprived from
wel1-pl,nUledrecreational fadlities. Because it is not possible for them to pay Tk
50 _ 100for reueation even for their children. Tntllis study an attempt has been
made to investigate the reueation.u provisions pruvidl.0 for the children of the
city and ba~d on the data and infOrmdtioncollected few recoITlIItendatiom; have
been proposed. Firstly the overall background and rationale of the study are
described. TIle importancf' of amusemenl and rf'creation for Ute proper mental
and physical growth of the children hdvf'also been exp~d.. However thC'actual
condition of present Dhdka witI, resped lo Uteprovision of children recreation is
discussed as weLLThree large amUSeillf'ntparks of Dhaka namely Shishu Park al
Shilhabaeh, Shishu Meta at Shamoli and Wonder Land at Gulshan were selected
as thC'designaled parks for this research. Each of thC'enterialling ilelIlSof all !hrf'C'
study parks is studied vcry carefully, along with their capacity. duration of one
use, aVE'Taeeuse in weekdays and holidays etc. A questionnaire survey was also
carned out to know about the so{io-emnomic stalus of the visitors and tIleir
opinion and preferences for various asp€cts of the study pdl"ks.Investment Rf'tum
Analysis has hC'C'ncarried out for C'achpark. Moreover the f'Xistingcondition of
eiehl Dhaka Gly Corporation pdl"ksis described h••r.e, After the accomplislmwnt
of all the procedures of obsf'rvation, socio-economic sutvey, physical survey,
collecnon of other priIIlary and secondary data and information. few analyses
have been done. On the basis of tlWSf'analyses the concept of 'Small Model
Amusement Park' (SMAP) has been developed which is recommended to be
pstablished in suitable areas of the city. |
en_US |