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Study on solid waste management through community based organizations (CBOs) in Uttara, Kalabagan and Mohammadpur areas of Dhaka city

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dc.contributor.advisor Mohit, Dr. M. A.
dc.contributor.author Morsheda Banu
dc.date.accessioned 2016-02-27T08:10:27Z
dc.date.available 2016-02-27T08:10:27Z
dc.date.issued 2000-11
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2235
dc.description.abstract Dhaka city has been experiencing rarnd population gw\\1h due to rural urban migration after the liberation of Bangladesh as an independent nation in 1971. Increase in population is, obviously, creating quick ri>e 10 generation of wild waste of the city. Waste generation during 1985.91 period has increased at an avera!,>eannual rate of 4.33% per capita per year, while the capability of OCC's solid waste management and its hygienic disJXlsal is miserably lagging behind. More than half of the city's daily generated solid waste TeII1lllilS uncollected and is disposed oflocally, making the environmental scenario uflhe metropolis quite dismal and unhealthy. Dhaka City Corporation bears the responsibility of providing solid wa~te manab>ement,But it is difficult for DeC to cope with the ri5mg demand with its limited budget and its present plarming process, Tn this situation, the residents of Utlara., Kalabagan and Mohammadprn area have developed several local community based organi7.ations to manage their wastes. However for the study purpose out of several committees only three namely "Uttara Kallyan Samities", "Kalabagan Samaj Kallyan Parisads" and "Environment Cleaning Project of Mohammad pur Area" has beenchosen. Realizing the gravity of the SltuatiOn,this study has been undertaken with the expectation that it would help prepare a sound and effective lIl"iionplan for solid waste management. In other \\lOrds, this study aim at environmental lmprovement of the capital City through community based organizahons (CBOs). This study finds that there is an urgent need and scope to Improve solid wa,te management system of Ohaka city and recommends both macro and micro level measures to improve it for eventual betterment of the environment. At macro level, the national govemment can play the role of a "fucilitator' to improve overall management system; while at the micro level, DeC CllfIimprove their instirntional, financial and technicat capabilities and can take the help of CBOs to improve the present waste disposal condition of different residential areas of the city. This study, however, comes to the conclusion that improvement of solid waste managcment of the city can be achieved through joint invotvement of the community and the DeC. Fmally, the study suggests a commlll'lity participation process through community based organizations that will be helpful for involving people effectively for the development of solid "''lISlemanagement in the absence of required govemmental resoun:es en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Urban and Regional Planning en_US
dc.subject Solid waste management - Community based organizations (CBOs) - Uttara, Kalabagan , Mohammadpur - Dhaka city en_US
dc.title Study on solid waste management through community based organizations (CBOs) in Uttara, Kalabagan and Mohammadpur areas of Dhaka city en_US
dc.type Thesis-MURP en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 94618
dc.contributor.callno /MOR/2000 en_US

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