Lick of ,>ociallie, among the peopk of re"dcnllai areas i, identified ilSan overwhelming
drawb~ck or contemporary urbaniz~lion_ In Dhaka Clly it is observed that new
nClghbolll'hoods are being created, older areas are being redeveloped and housing [donn
rroccs~cs Ims brought abo",! major changes in patterns of uwner:shlp and mobility.
Therefore, hoth new arrivals ,md more e~lahlishcd residents of Dhaka Clly have been
e~pencncmg significant disruption and transfonnallon in their daily live~. In the context
of phy~ical and social trJnsilion 10 rCSldcnlml areas in contemporary Dhaka, the
lradltional neighbourhood tie~ lha! existed in the old Ohaku 8e~m to be dcchnmg d~y by
To undcrsmnd the staled problem, (hree neIghbourhood, of Dhaka CIty, Rasulbag, a
molwlla of Old Dhaka, a block of Dhanmondi residential area and Eastern Poinl, U
housmg complex of Shanlmagar thm represent different and contrasllnl" physicHI Hnd
social characteri8lk8 are selected 10 evaluate the status of ~()eial mteruellon among Ihe
reSidents of the neighbourhoods. This research focused on mental as~oeiation of the
resldenls wIth their neighbourhood, patlcrn of primar)' SOciHIinteractions (face-to-face
rc1atlOns) and secondary social interactions (organized SOCIalaClivities). Accordmg to the
opinion (percentage amI score) of the 25 per.;ent head, of the households of each
neighhourhood, it is found Ihat the 8tatu~ or 8<1ciulintcraetlOn is higher m bOlh Ra,ulbag,
and Easlern Point than a hlock of Dhanmondi, part of a planned residential area.
Aecordmg to Ihe fllldlllgs of questionnaire ,urvey and PGD, it is obser\'ed thallhe pauern
of SOCialmteraction is innuenced by both soclo-economic charaeteri:>tks of the re~ident~
sueh as income, family Slructure, housing characteristics etc. and physical charactenstlcs
of the neighbourhoods such a" buildmg paucrn, street layout, 10~iltion of puhlic places
ctc. Some factors work a, p()~lllvc foree and some are as negalive force. The intluenee of
Ihese factors also varie> from one nClghbourhood to another becau,e of Lhedi,tinct SOClOphysi~
ahulturill ~ritena of thc ~llld,ed nClghbOUl.hoods, ••
Soci~l inler~cl",n fncndly physical environment are need to be created in lhe
neighbourhoods of Dhuka City by lncorporating pllbli~ "'puce, und pedestrian friendly
environment. throllgh ,Ir<:hiteetural dcslgn of buildings thill promote eye contact and
en~lluruge people to talk and e:l.~hange greetings. SOClalmitiatives i>lIchu~, fonnallon of
neighbOllrhood based 3ssoeiation ~nd anangmg social and eultllf~l evenls for re~idents
especially for children ,s necessary to enhance "xial interactlOn. As soci31 connectednes,>
at the neighborhood level plays a vllal role in promotmg wellbeing and strengthening
eommunitie" u nelghhourhood should constilule a mhesive unit both 111terms of lhe
phy"kal layout and the resIdents. social "ell heing. Both professIOnals and civil sociely
can play ,ignilicant role III buiJdlllg strong communities where indlVlduals. families. and
children arc valued and supported in the neighhollrllOOds of Dhaka City.