The traffic operating conditions on two urban arterials- Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue and
Mirpur Road were assessed in this research work. The operating condition was measured
in terms of the familiar level of service (LOS) criteria as suggested in the Highway
Capacity Manual. •."- ..
A total length of 4:S-kriJ on Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue and 3.4 km on Mirpur Road were
studied. The study'inctuded collection of field data on traffic volume, composition, and
travel time. The KaziNazrul Islam Avenue was divided into six different study sections
while the Mirpur Road was divided into eight different study sections. Traffic volumes on
these roadways were found to be as high as 7500 vph to as low as just over 2500 vph. On
the roadway sections of Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, the predominant type of vehicles was
light vehicles and three wheelers while on Mirpur Road the non-motorized vehicle in the
form of mainly rickshaws, and bicycles and pushcart to a lesser extent dominates. They
consisted of around 50 to 60% of the total traffic volume. Among the motorized traffic on
Mirpur Road, the predominant types are light vehicles and three wheelers. The average
speeds of three predominant types of motorized vehicles bus, light vehicle, and threewheeler
on Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue were found to be lied between 20 - 33 kmph , 20-
35 kmph, and 19 to 30 kmph, respectively. On the other hand, speeds of motorized
vehicles on Mirpur Road were found to be lied between 19 - 25 kmph, 20 - 31 kmph, and
IS - 27 kmph for bus, light vehicle and three-wheeler, respectively.
Traffic data collected at study sites also showed that the delays experienced by the
motorized vehicles on Mirpur Road were much higher than on Kazi Nazrul Islam
Avenue. Average delays caused to the motorized vehicles on Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
were found to be less than 50 seconds per vehicle per kilometre of travel, while the
average delays experienced by the motorized vehicles on Mirpur Road were found to be
lied between approximately 65 to 90 seconds per vehicle per kilometre of travel. Besides
other factors, this may be attributed to the presence of large number of slow moving nonmotorized
vehicles on Mirpur Road.
The results showed that most of the study sections of Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue were
operating at a level of service of C. Similarly, most of the sections of Mirpur Road were
operating at a level of service of D_ The speed and delay models were also formulated
using the data collected at study sites. The results of the analyses showed that the models
were significant at 5% level of significance (i.e., 95% confidence level). Moreover, the
relationships between the dependent and independent variables were found to be logical.
It is to be noted here that the LOS estimated for different study sections of these two
roadways indicates the operating conditions at the time of collection of traffic data.
However, LOS for any other times, which very likely to have different amount traffic
volume, can be estimated using the speed models developed in this study.
The models developed in this study can also play roles in traffic management on these
two primary roads of Metropolitan Dhaka. Because the models indicate that reduction of
traffic volume as well as reduction of non-motorized vehicles can increase the speed of
the motorized vehicles and consequently reduce the delays. It was recommended that high
occupancy motorized vehicles like buses can be an effective alternative in this regard.