This thesis presents the findings of the study concerned with accident blackspot identification for
improvement of safety on the Jatrabari-Kanchpur Bridge section of Dhaka-Chitlagong highway.
The selected section of Dhaka-Chitlagong highway is composed of three intersections and nine
links. The study examines the trends and characteristics of the accident problem for identifying
the dominant accident types which need to be addressed in future initiatives. A total of 356
Accidents oecurred on this highway section in a time period of 4 years from January 1998 to
December 200 I. Out of total 356 reported accidents, 34% occurred at or near intersections and
remaining 66% occurred on links of selected section of highway. The accidents occurring in the
study area are classified as 49% fatal, 39% injury, 12% property damaged. The involvement of
pedestrian in the accidents occurring in the study area is significant comprising 54.21 percent
amongst the various classes of road users. Rear end accident is also identified as a dominant
problem. In the study area, occurrence of accident is higher during day time than night time and
the frequency of the occurrence of accident is the highest between 8 AM to 12 at Noon. Buses are
involved in 40 percent of total accidents, followed by tmcks and mini buses with 30 and 9
percent, respectively. Detailed investigation of black spots are made using available accident
data, field investigations and video data.
For the purpose of the analysis, inforrnation availablc Ii'om FIR. Accident Report Forms and
Register books is coded into a number of variables to correlate occurrence of accident with traffic
system variables. Eight relevant. variables are extracted and used in subsequent analysis. As
"- blackspots are related with roadway environment related variables, on the basis of the variables
mentioned above the involvement of road environment is analyzed by using 'Principal
Component Analysis (peA)' method. The aggregate factor weight of roadway environment in
the total number of accidents occurring at a location is graphed onto the roadway section. The
locations where the aggregate weight of roadway environment factor is more than the average is
identified as black spot. From the analysis, five locations are identified as accident black spots. The locations arc Jatrabari
intersection, Dania College. ICMII at Matuil, Saddam market and Kanchpur Bridge (western
part). The highest number of accident occurred at Jatrabari intersection which is followed by
Kanehpur Bridge, ICMII at Maluil, Dania College and Saddam marke!.
In order to reduce the risk of accidents at the hlack spots, the study recommends construction of
underpasses at the level of approaching road, grade separation for non-motorized traffic,
construction of footpath for pedestrian movement, grade separated bus stops and channelization
of traffic at intersections in the study area.