Sitc sclection for urban development requIres consideration of a comprehensive set of
factors and balancing ofmulliple objecti\es m determining the suitability 01'a particular area for
a defIned land use, The selection of an indllstrial site involves a complex array of critical factors
drawing from economic, social, technical, and environmental disciplines.
Spatial decision makmg problems, such as site selection for any particular use, require
proper means to handle the multiple socio-economie factors while considering physical
suitabihty com!Jtions. GIS that have been reeognired as useful decision support technology hut it
does not provide means to deal with multiple decision factors, With these issues in mind, this
study developed a Jramework for integrating the strengths of GIS and the AliP to incorporate the
deeision-maker's preferences on a range of factors in fInding optimally suitable sites. This study
illustrates how land suitability analysis can be applied to an urban development site selection
The aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of the concept of Land
suitability analysis related to urban development in a secondary city of Bangladesh. This is
IJIlderlaken by means of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology. This stndy provides
a methodology tor site selection process in the presence of multiple and diverse dceision criteria
using AHP, The nsc ofthc AHP in the fIeld of property development/estimating the value of a
residential real cstatclhouse selection is very promising.
In this study, Pabna municipality has been chosen for developing the concept of Land
Suitability Analysis for Urban Development. The model kno,,", as ABP has been ulililed to
developing the cone cpt of Land Suitability Analysis for Urban Developmcnt. Data was eollceted
from Experts and field survey (Inter-Grid-ceJl Survey).