The purpose of the thesis work is to study the influence of pressure temperature,
steam/natural gas ratio on reforming process for ammonia production.
The thesis work is divided in two steps. In lirst step, a solution for calculating
equilibrium composition of the products of the steam reforming at particular
pressure, temperature and steam/natural gas ratio has been found out from the
graphical representation of InK vs. I/T involve in the process. A large number of
data representing conversion analysis of steam reforming of methane at different
pressure, temperature and steam/natural gas ratio have been calculated and
graphical representation showing influence of pressure, temperature and
steam/natural gas ratio has been plotted. From the calculated values and graphical
representation it can be seen that conversion of natural gas increases with the
increase of temperature and steamING ratio, and decreases with the increase of
operating pressure. If operating pressure has to be increased, for maximum
conversion of natural gas both temperature and steam/natural gas ratio or any of
them should be increased to compensate the decrease of conversion of natural gas
at high pressure.
In second step, for testing the validity of the theoretical analysis of steam
reforming of natural gas, process conditions of primary reformer and secondary
reformer of seven fertilizer factories in Bangladesh have been used to calculate the
theoretical outlet compositions of the reformers. The fertilizer factories whose data
have been used arc Zia Fertilizer Company Ltd. (ZFCL), Jam una Fertilizer
Company Ltd. (.TFCL), Polash Urea Fertilizer Factory (PUFF), Natural Gas
Fertilizer Factory (NOFF), Urea Fertilizer Factory Ltd. (UFFL), Chittagong Urea
Fertilizer Ltd. (CUFL), and Karnaphuli Fertilizer Company Ltd (KAFCO). A
comparison has been performed showing the theoretical values and the actual
outlet equilibrium compositions of reflmners of different processes. A small
discrepancy of theoretical values and actual values have been observed and the
causes for these discrepancy have also been described.