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Parks in the urban environment: an analytical study with reference to urban parks of Dhaka

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dc.contributor.advisor Hafiz, Dr. Roxana
dc.contributor.author Amina Chowdhury
dc.date.accessioned 2016-04-30T03:51:48Z
dc.date.available 2016-04-30T03:51:48Z
dc.date.issued 2004-03
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2905
dc.description.abstract Green space, in the form of parks is an integral part of c\'ery city. By om:ring oppornmities for recreation, reflection, and relaxation, parks improve community health and increase property values. They provide habitat for numerous species of animals and plants, and cool city air through transpiration and evaporation The need for parks in cities is increasing with the rises in longevity, mobility and leisure of the growing proportion of people who live in urban arc, s. Besides, cities experience increasing signs of environmental stress like air and noise pollution, traffic congestion etc, In this situation parks and green spaces are very essential inside the city for its environmental and ecological balance. This research focuses on the importance of parks in this city and how they contribute to healthy and 3afe living. The study also investigates reasons that prevent the re~idents from using parks,' The study has been divided into two parts. In one part parks h<lve been selected according to their size, and nature for user survey. In other part household in the vicinity of the selected parks has been selected for nOll-USersurvey. Primary and secondary matcrials have been used to analpe the available information and to examine tbe condition of existing parks in I'haka city, socia economic status of park users, their use pattern and activity. Dhaka covers an area of 1530sq km. The city is experiencing a massive population growth, cstimated by the UN at 6.9% between 1974 and 2000, resulting in immea~e lll"banization, This unparallelcd population explosion is projectcd, "ith an annual growth rate of 3.6%, to result in 21.1 million people living in Dhaka by 2015. But One does hardly find enough open and.green space to relax after wnole day's h'lrd voiork. Moreover, rapid groV\1h of population and increased urbanization havc given rise to a number of urban environmental problems. Thus at the end of day people find some space where they have sitting, walking, enjoying opportunity with soft nature. The scope of this study is confined to the importance and existing condition of urban parks in Dhaka City. The main finding is that most of the park visitors are men. Due to lack of security and proper maintenance number of children and women visitors is very poor, The srndy also found that general public is too much aware of their li,ing environment. Thc alert citizen support Dhaka needs enough provision of ::lark to increase recreational facilities, for climatic amelioration, to reduce social and environmental pollution and for physical and mental \vdl being. The contribution of parks to provide comfort to city dwellers by im lroving the urban environment and existing condition of parks in Dhaka also has been discussed. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Urban and Regional Planning en_US
dc.subject Recreation park - Plan - Dhaka - City en_US
dc.title Parks in the urban environment: an analytical study with reference to urban parks of Dhaka en_US
dc.type Thesis-MURP en_US
dc.contributor.id 9615011 F en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 105848
dc.contributor.callno 711.558095492/AMI/2004 en_US

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