The greater Sylhet area comprises four districts namely Hobiganj, Moulvibazar, Sylhet and
Sunarnganj situated in the northeastern part of the country. The desired expansion of
inigated agriculture in the area depends on groundwater development. The aquifers
underlying the area are mostly semi-confined or leaky in character. Existing rocks and gas
pockets make the aquifer conditions complicated. The present study focuses on a
preliminary assessment of groundwater recharge in the greater Sylhet area fulfilling its
objectives such as to review the previous studies on the assessment of groundwater resource
potential of the area and determination of groundwater recharge based on recent water table
The method of estimating annual recharge from annual fluctuation of water table and
specific yield has been utilized in this study. Recharge for each upazila of the study area has
been calculated using data on water table fluctuations and specific yield collected from
North East Minor Irrigation Project (NEMIP) of Ministry of Agriculture.
The ultimate objective of NEMIP was to increase agricultural production by introducing
specific changes in agricultural practices through development of groundwater resources by
minor inigation technology. In order to popularize the use of various minor inigation
equipments especially STW for extraction of groundwater resources with a view to increase
the production of various diversified crops during dry season, Ministry of Agriculture with
financial assistance of Asian Development Bank designed a project entitled North East
Minor Irrigation Project (NEMIP) in the greater Sylhet area for the period from 1992-93 to
As per NEMIP provision, Ministry of Agriculture mainly completed 1600 test bore drills to
prepare a data base on the availability of aquifer conditions and conducted 28 pumping tests
to determine aquifer characteristics in the project area. From the analysis of bore log data
and long pumping tests it was found that the aquifers underlying the greater Sylhet area are
mostly semi-confined or leaky in character. From this study it was also observed that the high capacity shallow tubewells (STW) may not be suitable at many places and it may
happen that STW might dry up after prolonged pumping.
In view of such a situation, the NEMIP installed 194 piezometers in the area to gather
infonnation about the static water level and prepare a database so that suitable sites can be
easily identified for installation of different types of tubewell with different capacities.
Fortnightly water table data at tlle piezometers are being collected since 1995. But, these
data have not yet been analyzed to assess groundwater development potential of this area. As
such, this project work was taken up to study the groundwater table fluctuation and to assess
the groundwater recharge in the greater Sylliet area. The previous studies undertaken to
assess the groundwater resources potential in the study area have also been critically
reviewed in this study. A total of 157 piezometers have been selected and water table
recorded at these piezometers for the period from 1995-2001 has been collected from the
district offices ofNEMIP.
Groundwater hydrographs for the selected piezometers have been prepared and a contour of
groundwater table in the dry season of 1999 has been drawn. The annual fluctuations in
groundwater level for all piezometers have been worked out. Annual recharge for each
upazila has been calculated from the values of the fluctuation of groundwater level and
specific yield. The values of specific yield were considered from the values reported in the
Aquifer Parameters Study by NEMlP (1997). A comparison of recharge values for the study
area with those estimated by Karim (1987) was perfonned.
The results show that the annual recharge to groundwater ranged from 20.4 to 946.5 mm
with an average of 264.0 mm in the greater Sylliet area. The wide variation of annual
recharge occurred due to the wide variation of specific yield in the area. The recharge in the
area increased gradually with time. The groundwater table fluctuation varied from 0:7 to 3.4
m in the study area. The contour show that the depth of groundwater level ranged from 2.5
to 7.5 m on 15 April 1999.