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Energy efficiency of residential buildings in Dhaka city: implications for sustainable urban planning

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dc.contributor.advisor Hafiz, Dr. Roxana
dc.contributor.author Moushumi Ahmed
dc.date.accessioned 2016-05-15T06:33:30Z
dc.date.available 2016-05-15T06:33:30Z
dc.date.issued 2010-03
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3021
dc.description.abstract Energy is the burning issue lor lhe t\\'enty-Jirst century Bangladesh. Due to frenzied urbanization and limited resources to g.encrate power, the economic Qctivities are being greatly hampered by po\\'er cuts; meanwhile the pQwer sectQr is suffering from lack Qf capital, inadequale gas supply and high rate of system loss, Dhaka consumes almost 55% ol'lotal gcneratcd clectrieity according to the Dhaka Power Dislribution Company Limited (DPllC), The dQmestic seclor is the main C(lll'Umer of mmmercial energy in Dhaka city. The latesl records show that the domestic category alone eonsumcs more than 40% of the total sale of OPOe. Therefore. energy efficiency improvements in residential buildings have large potential for energy cClIlservatian. Praper p()li~y measureS could enable the residential building scctor to function more efficiently which would ultimately ensure sustainable urban enviwnment. The present thesis examined the electricity end-use pattern in residential apartment buildings of Dhaka City in the context of growing den,it y and ~a,ll y reduced scope lor natural lighting and ventilation, Thc study intended to evaluate the energ.y perform~nce of buildings of this particulAr type AgAinstthe urban textural quality that ~flects urban micro-climate. The ~,sumpti()n wa., that the energy eJ11eieney or residential buildings is affected hy provision 01' natural lighting, ventilation and thermal environment. The study findings revealed that different types of re"idelltial developmenL' vary in urhan lextural qu~lity and lhere i, ,ubstantial variation in 'energy eJ11ciency' of buildings in these locations. The survey findings showed clear indications for the physical and environmental characteristics of immediate surroundings "I' a residential building: h~ving substantial impacl on bui Iding 'energy el"liciency'. Increa,ed a\\,ari~ne~sand incenlives to COnServe energy by adapting efficient design measures and energy efficient technology can be vital to improved energy elTiciency in buildings as higher aJTordability and ignorance call leAdto misuse of energy, As the most appropriate solution at hand, the flourishing sector of multi-storied residential apartment buildings demand more in depth research regarding appropriate scale, form, building material, utility and mechanical systems etc, in order to make lhe whole system more eflicient to reduce its adverse impact on the environment. This can be achieved through holistic plAlllling approach and adoption of result oriented design measures by the city planner'" and implementation or control and enabling policy measures from the pal icy makero' part. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Urban and Regional Planning en_US
dc.subject Energy - Efficiency - Residential - Building - Dhaka city - Implication - Sustainable - Urban planning en_US
dc.title Energy efficiency of residential buildings in Dhaka city: implications for sustainable urban planning en_US
dc.type Thesis-MURP en_US
dc.contributor.id 040515016 F en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 108765
dc.contributor.callno 711.40954922/MOU/2010 en_US

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