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Spatial development trend of industries within Dhaka metropolitan development plan (DMDP) area

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dc.contributor.advisor Islam, Dr. Ishrat
dc.contributor.author A .K. M. Alamgir Kabir Dewan
dc.date.accessioned 2016-05-15T09:03:51Z
dc.date.available 2016-05-15T09:03:51Z
dc.date.issued 2009-08
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3022
dc.description.abstract Industrial development is very important for a developing country like Bangladesh. Being in the heart of the country, Dhaka is facing tremendous industrial pressure. But the way it is happening, ultimately becoming a threat to the environment and the lives of millions of people residing in Dhaka. So, there is a need to study how and why the industrial development is occurring in this way. This research focused on spatial distribution trend of industries within Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (DMDP) area, particularly the large scale manufacturing industries. This research covered two broad objectives. The first objective was to analyze the development trend of large scale manufacturing industries and the spatial distribution of these industries within DMDP area through industrial census data and Geographic Information System (GIS) data. The trend analysis carried out dividing the whole study period (1903 to 2007) into four periods; the British Period, the Pakistan Period, the Pre DMDP Bangladesh period and the Post DMDP period. The study area includes both the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) area and the Areas outside DMP. The GIS map was prepared using data from recently completed physical feature survey of Detailed Area Plan Project of RAJUK (The Capital City Development Authority). The Second objective was to analyze the compatibility of present industrial development with DMDP Structure Plan and to find out the factors influencing industrial location decision. According to DMDP Structure Plan, new industries should be established only in four Special Incentive Zones such as Savar, Tongi and Gazipur Municipality and the Dhamsona area and one Special Rehabilitation Incentive Zone in Narayanganj. There should not be any industries within the area surrounded by the Turag, Balu, Tongi Khal and the Buriganga River which is the present jurisdiction of DMP and the areas designated as Flood Flow Zones and Agriculture Zones in the Structure Plan. For compatibility analysis, the GIS data of industrial locations was overlaid on the delineated GIS Data of DMDP Structure Plan. To find out the factors influencing industrial location decision, a standard questionnaire was designed to interview the industry owners to identify the factors that influence industrial location decision. It has been identified whether they have violated the DMDP Structure Plan. Finally a comparison was done between DMDP proposed location and present location of industries. A list of factors was found that influenced the present location decision. This research identified that DMP area is accommodating less than half of total (44.95%) of the industries of DMDP area. The process of industrialization in this area became faster in the late eighties. Though the area outside DMP is accommodating more than half (55.05%) of the industries of DMDP area but the trend of establishment of industries outside DMP has been declining after the year 1990. Tough DMDP Structure Plan doesn’t allow any new industrial development within the DMP area; but this area is showing increasing trend of industrial establishment in this period (1998 and onward). Area outside DMP is showing declining trend during the post DMDP period. Savar and Keraniganj thana have showed significant industrial development. Around 10.33% of industrial structures were established in the Agricultural Zone and some 6.51% are found in the Flood Flow Zones. The questionnaire survey revealed that the prominent factor for establishing new industries is land value; second crucial factor is availability of skilled labour. The study also tried to compare the weightage of different factors assigned by the industrial owners in case of DMDP specified locations and the present location of the industries. This research strongly recommends that industrial development should happen in a clustered manner and these clusters must be categorized according to hazard classification of DoE (i.e. red, orange and green category), there is a need for transport infrastructure and labor intensiveness. It also recommends that there should be a one window cell with direct participation of all the line agencies and the development control authority to review the permit for new industrial development so that there is no scope of blaming each other for haphazard and unplanned industrial development. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP) en_US
dc.subject Industrial development-Dhaka city en_US
dc.title Spatial development trend of industries within Dhaka metropolitan development plan (DMDP) area en_US
dc.type Thesis-MURP en_US
dc.contributor.id 040415037 en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 110008
dc.contributor.callno 307.7660954922/ALA/2009 en_US

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