dc.description.abstract |
lmprm ing prodLlCllVity" th~ mal~ concern of an appalel companie.\ There are many
pmblcms in apparel companies Wh,~h ubstacle the higher productivity_ Unskilled
workers. physical fatigue from extended working hour wilhout re,t, ml;placcmcnt of
worker at wori:<;(ation, lack or training, ab<;ence of engmeenng knowledge and
engme~nng management to utiii7,e optJlllUITIefficiency ofworkcL which are directly
related to production Lack of interest of higher au!holily to implemenl the
engineering management and technique 10 increale productivity llnpeut to accelerate
the l'r()d\l~l1viIJ in apparel indu,tl)'.
As the ovcJa1J daily performance of each wOlker is nOl ,arne and the change 111lheir
performance defer f,-om one ",'orker to another worker In this dlCsis. a study has been
eurned Olltto TLndOlltthe effect offatigue on productivity and to form a framework to
Improve the productivity based on the overall performance of worken During lhe
investigation attention is concentrated on how physical raligue of worker, innL1en~e,
the daily production rate and way to l)ptimiLe lile produelivlly 01 apparel mdu,lne" It
ha;; been r(lLlJldIhat ir perrormaute 0 r worker~ me observed reglll uriy aTldIhe~e re,ult,
are properly lmplemented then d~liy production rate mcrea:,e up to a satisfactory level
with the same efficient workers. same machineries and same technical racilities Even
d'phY~lCal f~tlglle eX;,I>, 10" due 10j~tigue can be reduced to a remarkable label |
en_US |