Simulation Programming system is now a new concept of visualization of a real world
work in visual platform where nothing exists. As a result any alternative option could
be set and simulate the program for observing the project conditions. Construction
Simulation is now used for project scheduling. Simulation is a virtual process where a
physical project can be modeled through programming or graphical user interface
system. There are different types of simulation programs for project simulation and
from that a resource based simulation program is selected for simulating Multi-
Storied Building casting process. Foundation casting is the first step to start the work
and it is a difficult part too due to some specific reasons. The reasons are soil,
available working space, communication system, skilled worker and also the type of
foundation. The Multi-Storied building construction is always difficult in urban area
due to scarcity of land and working space. The implementation of simulation process
represents the possibility to support the planning of construction work and thus secure
the construction operation. Critical path method (CPM) and project evaluation and
review technique (PERT) are the most common methods for the construction
scheduling works. Using these two methods construction schedule is prepared. The
objectives in scheduling the construction cycle are to ensure smooth flows of
resources and to optimize the use of formwork and other materials. The construction
area is usually divided into a number of zones to allow the labour forces and
formwork materials moving between zones. The preparation of the Multi-Storied
building construction cycle would therefore be a resources allocation exercise.
However, the process is complex and difficult when it is done manually. Simulation is
a program that can demonstrate the real world operation in handling the schedule
problem. Every simulation program has two ways to model the construction projects.
One is to use built in function and other is to use coding system. It is difficult to
change the simulation program which used built in function for execution, also
difficult to add any local problems in it. It is easy to add local problems in coding
system simulation program, or making new simulation program with local problems
by coding. The state and resource based simulation of construction process
(STROBOSCOPE) is used for making the construction process simulation of Multi-
Storied Building. In this thesis a fifteen storied (Multi-Storied Building) plan (Figure 4.1) is selected for
simulation. The different activities of Multi-Storied Building are identified. These
activities are simulated individually. Verification of simulation programs with specific
data in different program system to verify that the program is working perfect. Also
practical project data is used in simulation program. From which the completion of
the project is found 86 days including curing work, and excluding curing the
completion of the project is 58 days. In the actual site work of the project, the
schedule time was 62 days. The contractor completes the project within 69 days
excluding curing.
Simulation all activities of fifteen storied Multi-Storied Building individually the total
construction time is taken 622 days. After optimizing of all activities the total
construction time is taken 528 days. Considering moderate and rough weather the
total construction is taken respectively 658days and 792days.