Dissertations/Theses: Recent submissions

  • Sanaul Kafi, S. M. (Department of Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), 2008-04)
    Haors are very important habitats for the unique and dynamic ecosystems, which have immense productive or ecological valuc. Importantly, haors provide suitable habitats for fisheries, a major component of the ecological ...
  • Abdullah Yousuf Al Harun, Md. (Department of Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), 2005-10)
    The complex community of fj<;h~pecies in Bangladesh is Ilighly dependent on sea"onal inundation and on 1100dplain access, both of which can be negatively affccltd by flood Contl'Ol, Drainage and lrrig.ation (feD!) project. ...
  • Farhana Sharmin (Department of Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), 2008-04)
    Availahle arsenic mitigation tcchnologle, ha'e been descrihcd Ii-om ",hidl, seven tGchnol()gle, were selected to asscss their su.,tainahility namely, SIDKO, SONO, Arsenic Iron Removal Plant (A1RP), Deep Tuhe Well (DT\\'). ...
  • Atikul Islam, Md. (Department of Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), 2005-09)
    The elosure of lhe Gorai off take after the commi"ioning of Farakka barrage in 1975 has resulted in a number of hydro-morphological and enviromnentaJ impacls. In 1998199,a major dre<lgingprogramme was initiated, By early ...
  • Biswas, Bisnu Pada, Ahmad Raihan Shahidullah , Md. Soheb Ahmed (Institute of Information and Communication Technology, BUET, 2002-10)
    For abstracts please see full text
  • Moazzem Hossain Khan, Mohammed (Institute of Information and Communication Technology, BUET, 2009-01)
    This project investigates two standards, namely WSDL and WS-CDL for specifying thc behavior of individual web-service and web-service choreography and develops a similarity-based query language for expressing queries ...
  • Kaisar Rana, Mujahid Khalid (Institute of Information and Communication Technology, BUET, 2002-10)
    Tcpdump software is a network sniffer is used for network monitoring In Linux Operating System. A graphical user interface which provides an intuitive front-end is developed for this console programming. This simplifies ...
  • Das, Chinmoy, Mohammad Shamim Akhter, Mohd.Abdul Mannan (Institute of Information and Communication Technology, BUET, 2002-10)
    This project is undertaken to develop a system that can be used to prepare and revise the "Schedule of Rates" using Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) like SQL Server or Oracle database. This system also ...
  • Delwar Hossain, Mohammad A. K. M. Atiqul Haque, Samar Kanti Ghosh (Institute of Information and Communication Technology, BUET, 2002-10)
    For abstracts please see full text
  • Khasro Miah, Md. (Department of Civil Engineering, 2000-07)
    The behaviour of skew slabs under vertical loads is reported in this thesis. All the slabs tested experimentally in the laboratory were 1/6th scale models of proto-type skew slabs having opposite edges simply supported. ...
  • Ziaul Bashar, Mohammad Ahsan, Sharif Hossain (Institute of Information and Communication Technology, BUET, 2002-10)
    This project presents the development of an automated cli~t - r NGO Service Delivery Partnership (NSDP), a leading family health service provider, for its operation in urban areas. NSDP provides health services through ...
  • Ziaul Haque, Mohammad (Institute of Information and Communication Technology, BUET, 2009-04)
    SPAM stands for Short Pointless Annoying Messages, although they mayor may not be always short. Unsolicited bulk email (UBE) or unsolicited commercial email (UCE) is the practice of sending unwanted email messages, ...
  • Mobashsher Ali, Meer (Department of Architecture, BUET, 1976-06)
    For abstracts please see full text
  • Bayezid I. Choudhury (Department of Architecture, BUET, 1999-08)
    Several foreign archlfec15 were commlssk:lned In Bangladesh [erstwhile East Pakistan) during sixties and their canliibution Is significant in the cantemporary realm of architecture. Though the architecture of this period ...
  • Mamun ur Rashid (Department of Architecture, BUET, 2000-09)
    To trace the stages in tho evolutionary process oftbe conternpomry Walk-up wblm dwelling units, tho thesis ooncentrates on g:raduftl findings of different in-deplh element Firntly city's development in !emI.of its unique ...
  • Shahedul Hossain, Mohammad (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2009-05)
    The Bakhrabad gas field i~ an old and matured gas field in Bangladcsh, whieh is producing since 1984. This thcsis presents a systematic diagnosis of reservoir behavior of this gas field with respect to. different flow ...
  • Shahidul Alam, Mohammad (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2002-05)
    Habiganj gas field is located approximately 75 miles north of Dhaka in cast-central BMgladcsh. It is perhaps the second largest gas field in Bangladesh after Titas. Therefore, it is extremely important to estimate the ...
  • Datta, Debashis (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2003-02)
    Uncontrolled radiation is dangerous for both public and environment. In petroleum industries, the major sources of ionizing radiation are generation of NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials), usc of Nuclear ...
  • Gul Nahar (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2000-11)
    Pmduction data for many gas condensate pl'Oducing wells all over the world have shown thaI the productivity is severely cUJtailed when the flowing bottom-hole pressure is less than the saturation (dew point) pressure of ...
  • Farjana Jahan (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2008-12)
    Ashugal\i.l3akhrabad-Dcnll'a pipelinc is operated by Gas 1'ransmission Company Limitcd (CTCl.) and it carries almosl 40% ol'lhe nalural gas li'om l\onn Easlern pan [0 ~e1Ural regioll i.e. Dhaka region of Bangladesh. The ...

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