This study investigates the effectiveness of the existing iron
removal plants developed by UNICEF in Sirajgonj in reducing the
iron concentration to Lhe acceptable limit, the appropriateness
of this technology wiLh rega,"d to mainLenance by the beneficiary
group and to suggest necessary improvements on the way to
successful implemnetation of iron removal plants.
The yield capacity and the filLer run of the existing plants were
also measured. A survey was carried out among the bneneficiaries
to investigate their attitude towards the existing iron removal
plants. Various Data on the existing iron removal plants were
collected from UNICEF and WHO officials. A field study was
also carried out to investigate the operational and maintenance
difficulties of the existing iron removal plants in Sirajgonj.
After pointing out the problems of the existing plants, a
modified iron removal plant was developed at Kalampur near
Dhamrai, which would overcome the problems of the existing
plants. Rearranging the unit treatment processes, the performance
of the modified plant was investigated and compared with the
performance of the existing plants.