Automation is a demand in this era of information and communication technology where a smart control system is used to reduce or replace human operators in the industry, offices or homes to produce some goods or services. Auto Scheduler system is the subset of automation system that allows us to control household appliances like light, door, fan, air-conditioner, etc., in smart way. It also includes those of domestic activities, such as houseplant and yard watering, pet feeding, and the use of domestic robots. Auto Scheduler system provides security and emergency systems to be activated when necessary. It helps handicapped and old aged people which will enable them to control home appliances and alert them in critical situations. There are different types of auto scheduler systems in the market. They are generally proprietary and closed, expensive and not very customizable by the end user. To overcome this limitation, there are scopes of research in this area. In this project work, a simple automatic scheduler system has been chosen to implement. This project is aimed at developing a low-cost auto scheduler system to control electrical devices to be turned on and off; As an example, in a room or lab environment an auto schedule system will run according to the definite time. This system will be connected with two air condition or two electric devices like AC-1 & AC-2 or Device-1 or Device-2. When the system is powered on, AC-1 will be turned on and AC-2 will be turned off (it will be changed alternatively by the pre-defined time). The proposed system is not fully implemented. To emulate the system, a prototype hardware has been implemented where a microcontroller based auto scheduling program is controlling the on-off switching of two electric bulbs in a predefined time scheduling manner.