In March 1998 the Department of Metallurgical Engineering is renamed as the
Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering. This has been a
.significant development in the history of this department. The department has
adopted ail unified approach towards all kinds. of materials and included more
courses on non-metallic materials in its curriculum. This concise publication is
for the' students of undergraduate studies of this department of session 1997-98
onwards who will follow the new syllabus and subsequently have the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Materials and Metallurgical).
The present booklet provides information about the department and outline of'
courses effective from the session 1997-98. Some general aspects of the course
system of undergraduate .studies are also included in the booklet.
We hope that this concise booklet will be useful both to the new undergraduate
students and to the student advisers of the' department of Materials and
Metallurgical Engineering .