Department of Electrical and Electronic' Engineering (EEE) is one of .
the sixteen teaching /departments of Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (BUET). The department has more than
forty years of glorious history of excellence in undergraduate and
post-graduate teaching and research. The department tries to produce
the .best engineers, teachers and professionals for national and
international arena. To cope with the rapidly changing scenarios in
this field, updating the course curricula, laboratory facilities and
teaching/research materials is a regular activity of EEE. Sincere effort
always exists within our limited financial and logistics to revise/
renew and introduce courses so that our students remain at par with
students of other standard universities in the world. The undergraduate
syllabus presented in this "course calendar is the part of this on' going
.change to meet the need of present EEE students so that they can meet
their carrier requirements in national and international forums.
The syllabus and the course offering listed in this catalog are prepared
by teachers of the department with the help, cooperation and feedback'
.from our ex:-graduates and some renowned faculties abroad. Course
catalogs of many universities in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia,
Singapore and India have been consulted in preparing the syllabus 'of
this calendar. It is different from our previous syllabus in many
aspects. Students can now chose their field of specialization from any
of the four fields i.e. power, electronics, communication and computer
without sacrificing the fundamental and basic study of core courses of
electrical and electronic engineering. As a result of this and other
major changes in course contents, the laboratory materials will also
. change with more design oriented classes having emphasis on both
practical and simulation components. The"department has developed
many facilities for such changes to be implemented effectively and
effort is also underway to improve the situation further.