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Efficient techniques for privacy preserved incremental record linkage of noisy health data

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dc.contributor.advisor Latiful Hoque, Dr. Abu Sayed Md.
dc.contributor.author Shahidul Islam Khan
dc.date.accessioned 2021-08-18T05:35:07Z
dc.date.available 2021-08-18T05:35:07Z
dc.date.issued 2020-02-29
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5769
dc.description.abstract Atpresentmanypublicandprivateorganizationscollecthugeamountofdata.Later,thesedataare processed and analyzed to discover interesting knowledge that support proper decision making. Developingefficienttechniquesforcleaningandlinkinglargedatasetstosupportknowledgediscovery hasgainedhighimportanceinbothacademiaandindustry.Solvingrecordlinkageproblemswithan incrementalapproachisarelativelynewresearcharea.Fewstudieshavebeenperformedinthefield of incremental record linkage targeting the linkage quality or efficiency. However, the privacy issue regarding the incremental approach has not yet been discussed. Privacy preservation is essential for sensitive record linkage, e.g., health records, financial records, etc. In this regard, we have come up with a novel concept which encapsulates privacy preserving techniques with an incremental record linkageapproach. Inthisthesis,wefocusonthehealthcaredomain.Aproblemwithrealhealthdataisthattheyare noisy by nature. Another problem with health data is the presence of missing values. Wepropose a novelphoneticalgorithmtoreducethenoiseinpatients’namestoimprovetheperformanceofrecord linkage. For handling missing data, we extend the widely used MICE algorithm to impute missing data of both categorical and numericattributes. For preserving privacy, we use different privacy techniques such as phonetic encoding, hashing, and generalization. For handling incremental updates and internal linkage, we use the Naive incrementalclusteringapproach.Weperformvariousexperimentstotesttheprivacyandlinkagequalityof our proposed framework. We compare our work with the existing incremental record linkageframe- work and also with existing privacy preserved record linkage techniques. It is apparent from our resultsthatotherthanasmalltrade-offinlinkagequality,ourframeworkworksbetterasacombined packageofprivacyandlinkagesolution,whichanyexistingframeworksdonotyetprovide. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Computer Science and Engineering(CSE), BUET en_US
dc.subject Public health-Data processing en_US
dc.title Efficient techniques for privacy preserved incremental record linkage of noisy health data en_US
dc.type Thesis-PhD en_US
dc.contributor.id 0413054002F en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 117604
dc.contributor.callno 614.40285/SHA/2020 en_US

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