In Bangladesh either in an industrial unit or in any business
enterprise economic growth ~s not yet very promin~nt' as
management desciplines' are not being followed. 'Real situation'
prevailing in industrial units or business fields are rarely
examined and for the decisions .based on assumptions or wrong
informations, the industrial or business sector faces financial,
losses. A way to analyse the real situation is to store every I '
information of the organisation and to take decision as per the
report of the analysis.
With the objective of developing Manageme'it Ipformation System
(MIS) in an enterprise where none has any experience on the MIS,
a methodologi~al approach had been followed in',the present work.
In step-by-step phases to develop a MIS, at first a general
system analysis has been conducted where existing information
system, manufacturing system, organi~ation structure, product
flow system, key problems of the man,agement etc. were studied. In
the, second phase a general design of proposed system was done,
where a brief idea has been given how the proposed system would
work. In the 3rd phase, an evaluation of the proposed system was
conducted by a cost-benefit analysis. In the 4th phase detail
formats of input data and reports for,various sub-system was
prepared. Finally an implementation plan was given.
To show the application ,of MIS, ABC analysis and EOQanalysis was
carried for the inventory sub-system of an industrial unit. data
(for yearly materials consumed in quantity and their value~) was
taken for' four consecutive years. This
, .
data was processed in
:..•. -~ .
computer to get percentage contribution of individual. item and to
arrange the data in descending orders. From the report it would
be shown that on the top of the report the items have come whose
contribution by value are greater and. they are listed in
descending order. It would be further'noticed that about 80 ~'90%
of money had been spent to procure on 10 15% even less
percentage. of total items .So their control should be
restricted. Next a group of item has come, their contribution by'
value is less and next a group of item has come having negligible