Facility layout is an arrangement of different relevant departments of the organization in an appropriate manner to achieve desired goals. If the layout is an inappropriate arrangement, then the labor, equipment, space and other resources are not effectively and efficiently utilized. To develop better services, production quality and utilize other resources, require a concurrent scientific approach to design the layout. Engineers, designers, supervisors, need an appropriate tool to effectively analyze layout and design an optimal figure. In this study, we highlight how much differences are there in between an ordinary layout and a well-defined layout. Then this research provides an overview of assorted formulations of the problem that rise in the literature. A mixed integer linear programming model is formulated in this study for facility layout problem to solve and present details about the benchmark instances. This model has utilized optimum space, organize equipment, reduce movement of workers and promote safety of plant as well as its workers. It also helps to facilitate extension or change in the layout to accommodate new product line or technology development. This model maximizes profit, reduce production cost and ensure better customer service. To validate the model numerous data that consist of many parameters such as Age level of the customer, Education, House hold income, occupation, living distance from house, Parking facility, Credit card acceptance, Product price, Product satisfactory level, Service quality, frequency of visit, Sales Promotion, Cleanliness of the super store, Product Arrangement and so on are collected. Then the formulated mixed integer programming (MIP) model is solved by applying a mathematical programming language AMPL and Excel-Solver. Before solving MIP model, a linear Algebraic technique is also used set every plant and their corresponding service provider according to consumer traffic. The program in Excel-Solver contains two main parts, the main module contains the actual program and the data file contains data of the various parameters. Finally, we point out research gaps and promising directions for future research on this problem. The obtained result are discuss graphically and tabular form.