An experimental investigation of mean pressure distribution
around two square cylinders in tandem is presented. Also the mean
veloci ty distribution in. the wake of the two cylinders were
Pnssure and velocity distributions were measured for various
longitudinal spacings of the cylinders. Three different Reynolds
numbers were taken into consideration. Drag and lift co-efficients
were c~culated by numerical integration.
A critical longitudinal spacing equal to four times the side
dimension of the square cylinder (LID = 4) was investigated. Beyond
that critical spacing both the cylinders were subjected to drag
force. 'Nhen LID <4 only the downstream cylinder is subjected to
negative drag (or thrust). Also t~e shape of the velocity profile
behind upstream cylinder is different from that of single cylinder.
However beyond LID = 4 the nature of the velocity profile behind
both the cylinder becomes similar to that of a single cylinder. The
variation of Reynolds number have no appreciable change in cp
distribution for cylinders arranged in tandem.